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Dec 17, 2009

Let Me. ( Love Kasam )

Holding your hand with mine,
Lemme take you to a world such fine,
Where my mixture of care & warmth,
Shall gift you the comfort divine.

Lemme take you to a citywalk there,
To the clear roads seeming so pleasant & Fair,
Leaving behind the rigid barriers,
Lemme fly you away to the Moon's Glacier.

As night brings the silent beauty,
Lemme play the flute of romance,
Shall I search your suppressed wish?
Shall I ask you To dance?

Lemme talk to those mystiq eyes,
Erasing all my guilts inside,
Lemme learn not to flee from you,
But to wait for a Time infinite,

Lemme paint something true,
Something that might prove my presence,
Something that might promise you well,
That You'll always be my favourite Fragrance!

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