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Feb 23, 2012

Lost to A 17 year Old.

Sometime we meet some people in
life who stay with us may be for a
very little time but they change our life
completely. Their effect cannot be reversed.
I am so grateful to such people. You all are
like angels born for humanity.

Like a futile fellow I again sat on the machines,
& thousands of imitates I again projected,
How does it feels to be vacant through beliefs?
I stink, laughing with my pungent smell,
so rudderless on my shortcut to hell.

I miss my conception on sunshine,
A living room full of dead rotten roots,
Sweetener couldn't be coffee anymore,
deplorable yet trying to explore innovation,
Who am I kidding? I ask in salvation.

If I could inculpate evil out of my condone,
may be songs of disgrace would be sung,
felling so tangible to sands of nihility & inutility,
An erudite with all good virtues of the "beningnent"
Waste! Birds of Gravitas chirped with innocence.

Impuissant I took over my affliction with a yawn,
Like a barbarian king I was on the roll,
magicifying my keyboard with the Evanesco,
Avada ke Davra! Stupefied I could not think,
Enlightenment all over & A ship to sink.

There she was, 17 year old sensation of delight,
In gardens of phoenix "An Ash of vivification",
Paroles of this heaven sent identity so beauteous,
like thousand tulips as a waterfall of youth,
like song & dance together on flute.

I agreed to this twilight act of merriment,
unrehearsed I walked on the white path of sinlessness,
cultivating crops of spirituality on my abandoned heart,
Gently she touched my face with three stones in her hand,
Like a princess she giggled & aired her silky wand.

The fat frog inside me was blessed & loved,
he winked at me & jumped on stultifying swords,
I stood there as a tree in gratitude & tears,
I kissed her feet with all my pitch & warmth,
& "on the wings" she whispered me "You are a wizard".

Note: I'll never forget you "You know who" :P


Its all abt the game said...

maar daaala oye-hoye maar daala, katal shayari :P

Tarun Sharma said...

thankyou sir :P

PrashantD said...

Nice way to showcase your emotions and good collections of words (synonyms) rather. Understand that using said adds an extra effects and adds beauty to literary pieces but there are some other problems as well that would arise:

If ready for some suggestions:
* Use less complex and simple words in place of heavy strings.
* above can lead to a serious damage to your fan base.

Remember: Easy and straight is best way to attract audience here online.

Prashant D

Tarun Sharma said...

Thankyou bhaiya. I will keep your suggestion in mind :)

Hannah said...

Ohh Wow! Thats So Frikin Awesome, No Lie! =D I'm Totally Smiling Away At The Screen, Seriously That Is Too Cute =')
And I'll Never Forget You Big Bro <3

Tarun Sharma said...

hey Kiddo =P thankyou for being generous to me :) I would consider it lucky if in future even for a single moment , I'll cross your mind & you will say my name :)

Hannah said...

I guess your not going to stop calling me Kiddo are you? :P And same over here =)

Tarun Sharma said...

Well I like to call you Kiddo :P offense? :D

bring it ! xD

Hannah said...

Well Okay Then =) And No :P

Tarun Sharma said...

^^ =)